Smallflower, also known as Dwarf Pawpaw, is a miniature version of Common Pawpaw (Asimina triloba), with smaller flowers, smaller leaves, and shorter stature.
This uncommon forest understory shrub of the Coastal Plain and Piedmont regions of North Carolina occurs in drier sites than Common Pawpaw. It rarely reaches more than 4-5 feet tall in North Carolina.
Chatham Co., NC 9/20/08.

The deciduous leaves are simple and alternate. They are fragrant when crushed, not as malodorous as those of Common Pawpaw. Smallflower Pawpaw is uncommon inconspicuous and very easy to overlook.
Chatham Co., NC 9/20/08.

Durham, NC 7/24/07.

Columbus Co., NC 9/28/2013.

Odd little fleshy-looking flowers are produced in mid-late April. They start off yellowish-green then turn fleshy-maroonish with age.
Orange Co., NC 4/15/2012.

Pender Co., NC 4/23/06.

Battle Park, Chapel Hill, NC 4/23/05.

Durham Co., NC 4/27/02.

Durham Co., NC 4/27/02.

Durham, NC 5/17/08.

The fruits are similar to those of Common Pawpaw, but smaller.
Durham, NC 7/24/07.

Durham, NC 7/24/07.

Bark detail.
Durham, NC 7/24/07.