Canadian Serviceberry, also known as Shadblow, Shadbush, and Eastern Serviceberry is an uncommon shrub or small tree of the Coastal Plain and adjacent Piedmont in North Carolina. It's easily confused with its sibling Common Serviceberry (Amelanchier arborea), which occurs in the Mountains, Piedmont, and inner Coastal Plain of NC.
It is not rhizomatous, so Canadian Serviceberry does not form shrubby thickets like Running Serviceberry (Amelanchier stolonifera) or Coastal Plain Serviceberry (Amelanchier obovalis).
Granville Co., NC 5/20/2012.

Durham Co., NC 8/24/2013.

Granville Co., NC 5/20/2012.

Granville Co., NC 5/20/2012.

Granville Co., NC 5/20/2012.

Granville Co., NC 5/20/2012.

Granville Co., NC 5/20/2012.

Canadian Serviceberry is usually shrubby, 5-10 feet tall with multiple branches from the base.
Durham Co., NC 8/24/2013.

It is quite showy when it blooms in early spring, before the leaves come out.
Duke Forest, Orange Co., NC 4/6/05.

Fall leaf color is yellow.
Dare Co., NC 11/7/2008.

Bark detail. The trunks are often twisted together.
Dare Co., NC 11/7/2008.

Granville Co., NC 5/20/2012.

Granville Co., NC 5/20/2012.