Green Lynx Spider (Peucetia viridans)

Ferocious predators of butterflies and other nectaring insects, Green Lynx Spiders are abundant in the Croatan National Forest in southeastern NC. This large one is clutching a Lace-winged Roadside-Skipper.
Craven Co., NC 8/25/02.

Bumblebees fall victim, too.
Holly Shelter Game Land, Pender Co., NC 9/3/03.

Most abundant in the Coastal Plain, Green Lynx Spiders are also found in the Piedmont.
Durham Co., NC 9/9/06.

Flies also make a good meal.
Brunswick Co., NC 8/27/05.

With flower moth prey.
Craven Co., NC 8/26/2012.

Even the massive Palamedes Swallowtail sometimes gets caught.
Craven Co., NC 9/6/03.

With Black Swallowtail prey.
Craven Co., NC 8/26/2012.

A pair of Green Lynxes with a Twin-spot Skipper. The male is much smaller than the female.
Craven Co., NC 8/29/04.

Female Green Lynx carrying her egg mass.
Currituck Co., NC 9/29/01.