Lace-winged Roadside-Skipper (Amblyscirtes aesculapius)

Lace-winged is the most common and distinctive of our roadside-skippers. It occurs throughout North Carolina, but is most common in the Coastal Plain. Here is a rare example from the Mountain region, along the French Broad River at fairly low elevation near the Tennessee border.
Madison Co., NC 4/9/2012.

Same individual, with natural light, no flash.
Madison Co., NC 4/9/2012.

These are nectaring on Mistflower (Eupatorium coelestinum).
Croatan National Forest, Craven Co., NC 8/26/2012.

Raven Rock State Park, Harnett Co., NC 8/18/05.

Craven Co., NC 8/27/06.

Croatan National Forest, Carteret Co., NC 8/24/03.

Croatan National Forest, Carteret Co., NC 8/24/03.

Croatan National Forest, Craven Co., NC 9/6/03.

Still with a partial checkered fringe.
Croatan National Forest, Craven Co., NC 9/6/03.

Caught by a Green Lynx Spider (Peucetia viridans). Croatan National Forest, Craven Co., NC 8/25/02.