Panama Butterfly Photos - Brushfoots

by Will Cook

Here's a selection of Lepidoptera images from a trip to Panama, March 17-April 4, 2004. I managed to photograph about 50 species, though some of the more common ones, such as Blue Morpho and Julia, never perched for a photo. Butterflies were never abundant, but we were there at the end of the dry season. We saw lots of great birds and a few mammals, too. All photos were taken using a Nikon CoolPix 995. Please let me know if you can help with some of the identifications!

Pieridae and Riodinidae | Lycaenidae | Nymphalidae | Hesperiidae

Nymphalidae - Brushfoots

Heliconiinae - Longwings

Erato Heliconian (Heliconius erato)

Erato Heliconian (Heliconius erato)?
3/23/04 - Canopy Tower, Panama.

Erato Heliconian (Heliconius erato)

Erato Heliconian (Heliconius erato)?
4/4/04 - Parque Natural Metropolitano, Panama City, Panama.

Banded Orange Heliconian (Dryadula phaetusa)

Banded Orange Heliconian (Dryadula phaetusa)
3/27/04 - road to Rio Sereno, west of Volcan, Chiriqui.

Banded Orange Heliconian (Dryadula phaetusa)

Banded Orange Heliconian (Dryadula phaetusa)
3/27/04 - road to Rio Sereno, west of Volcan, Chiriqui. Same individual.

Satyrinae - Satyrs

Pink-tipped Satyr (Cithaerias menander)

Pink-tipped Satyr (Cithaerias menander)
4/1/04 - near Cabañas Burbayar, Panama/San Blas border. We only saw one, but wow, what a stunner! Another suggestion for a common name - Pink-stained Glass-Satyr (N. Grishin).

Hesione Satyr (Cissia hesione)

Hesione Satyr (Cissia hesione)?
3/18/04 - Cerro Azul, Panamá province.

Hesione Satyr (Cissia hesione

Hesione Satyr (Cissia hesione)?
4/1/04 - Cabañas Burbayar, Panama province (on border with San Blas).

Satyr (Hermeuptychia sp.)
3/22/04 - Canopy Tower, Panama. Looks a lot like our Carolina Satyr (Hermeuptychia sosybius), but the lines on the hindwing seem too straight.

Satyr (Hermeuptychia sp.)
3/27/04 - road to Rio Sereno, west of Volcan, Chiriqui. Very similar to the ones in North Carolina.

Hermes Satyr (Hermeuptychia hermes)

Hermes Satyr (Hermeuptychia hermes)
4/2/04 - Cabañas Burbayar, Panama. Worn.

satyr sp.
3/28/04 - Amistad National Park, Chiriqui. Very worn! Possibly a Pindis sp.

Dull Satyr (Yphthimoides renata)

Dull Satyr (Yphthimoides renata)
3/31/04 - near Cabañas Burbayar, Panama/San Blas border.

Thanks to Carlos Peña of Stockholm University for the ID of this and the next three photos.

Chloreuptychia arnaca

Chloreuptychia arnaca
4/2/04 - near Cabañas Burbayar, Panama/San Blas border.

Magneuptychia libye

Magneuptychia libye
4/2/04 - Cabañas Burbayar, Panama.

Cissia terrestris

Cissia terrestris
4/4/04 - Parque Natural Metropolitano, Panama City, Panama.

Cissia confusa

Cissia confusa?
4/4/04 - Parque Natural Metropolitano, Panama City, Panama.

Other Brushfoots

Sister (Adelpha) sp.
3/19/04 - Parque Natural Metropolitano, Panama City, Panama.

Sister (Adelpha) sp.
3/22/04 - Canopy Tower, Panama.

Crimson Patch (Chlosyne janais)

Crimson Patch (Chlosyne janais)
3/24/04 - Achiote Road, Colon.

Crimson Patch (Chlosyne janais)

Crimson Patch (Chlosyne janais)
3/24/04 - Achiote Road, Colon.

Tropical Buckeye (Junonia genoveva)

Tropical Buckeye (Junonia genoveva)
3/24/04 - Escobal Road, Colon.

White Peacock (Anartia jatrophae)

White Peacock (Anartia jatrophae)
3/21/04 - Canopy Tower, Panama.

Banded Peacock (Anartia fatima)

Banded Peacock (Anartia fatima)
3/22/04 - Canopy Tower, Panama.

Malachite (Siproeta stelenes)

Malachite (Siproeta stelenes)
3/18/04 - Cerro Azul, Panamá.

Pieridae and Riodinidae | Lycaenidae | Nymphalidae | Hesperiidae

Comments? Questions? E-mail me at

North America Butterfly Photos

All photographs and text ©2025 by Will Cook unless otherwise noted.