North Carolina Nature Photos

Photographs by Will Cook, mostly taken in North Carolina.

Special Photo Pages:
Butterflies of Colombia | Birds of Ecuador | Butterflies of Ecuador
Birds of Panama | Butterflies of Panama | Mammals of Panama
South Texas Butterflies | South Texas Dragonflies

North Carolina Photo Pages:

Amphibians & Reptiles
Butterflies & Moths
Dragonflies & Damselflies
Other Insects
Fungi, Lichens, and Slime Molds
Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Vines

Flounder - Dare Co., NC 10/18/03
Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides) - Eno River, Durham Co., NC 3/20/2011

Jellyfish sp. 0394 - Shackleford Banks, Carteret Co., NC 10/30/05
Jellyfish sp. 70999 - Shackleford Banks, Carteret Co., NC 7/17/08

Sand Dollar - Shackleford Banks, Carteret Co., NC 10/30/05

Horseshoe Crabs
Horseshoe Crab (Limulus polyphemus) - Shackleford Banks, Carteret Co., NC 10/30/05

Ghost Crab (Ocypode quadrata)
Hermit Crab - Shackleford Banks, Carteret Co., NC 10/30/05
Crab sp. 0820 - New Hanover Co., NC 8/12/07.
Fiddler Crab (Uca sp.) - New Hanover Co., NC 8/30/08
Fiddler Crab (Uca sp.) - Carteret Co., NC 7/17/08
Fiddler Crab (Uca sp.) - Carteret Co., NC 7/17/08
Crab sp. 80002 - Carteret Co., NC 7/17/08
Crab sp. 80009 - Carteret Co., NC 7/17/08
Crab sp. 80019 - Carteret Co., NC 7/17/08. Same individual as 80009.
Crawfish sp. 50014 - Johnston Co., NC 4/20/08
Crawfish sp. 70764 - Wilkes Co., NC 6/15/08
Crawfish sp. 70771 - Wilkes Co., NC 6/15/08
Crawfish sp. 1260994 - Carroll Co., VA 7/24/10

leech 1230031 - on a Yellow-bellied Slider, Richmond Co., NC 4/18/10
leeches 1230032 - two on a Yellow-bellied Slider, Richmond Co., NC 4/18/10

big clam - stranded in the mudflats at Jordan Lake, Chatham Co., NC 9/30/07
mussel 90162 - Penny's Bend, Eno River, Durham Co., NC 8/24/08
slug 40265 - Orange Co., NC 4/6/08
slug 1130155 - Carroll Co., VA 7/18/13
snail 80203 - Carteret Co., NC 7/18/08
snail 100053 - Durham, NC 9/9/08
snail 100055 - Durham, NC 9/9/08 (same individual)
snail 1100515 - Durham Co., NC 10/6/2012
snail 1100517 - Durham Co., NC 10/6/2012 (same individual)

Ticks and Mites
Lone Star tick (Amblyomma americanum) - female, Person Co., NC 6/13/06. One of our most common ticks. Carries several diseases, including ehrlichiosis and the Lyme-like Southern tick-associated rash illness (STARI).
Gulf Coast Tick (Amblyomma maculatum) - male, Croatan National Forest, Carteret Co., NC 6/23/04. Restricted to the Coastal Plain in NC. Very attractive, for a tick.
Gulf Coast Tick (Amblyomma maculatum) - male, Sandhills Game Lane, Scotland Co., NC 7/1/07.
American Dog Tick (Dermacentor variabilis) - male, Person Co., NC 6/13/06. Our largest and perhaps most common tick. The main vectors for the common and dangerous Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, American Dog Ticks also carry several other diseases.
American Dog Tick (Dermacentor variabilis) - female, Alleghany Co., NC 7/2/06. This one has its front legs in position to grab onto anything that happens to pass by.
American Dog Tick (Dermacentor variabilis) - Orange Co., NC 5/3/08
American Dog Tick (Dermacentor variabilis) - Haywood Co., NC 5/10/08
tick sp. 40269 - Durham, NC 4/7/08
tick sp. 40527 - Durham, NC 4/16/08
tick sp. 40530 - Durham, NC 4/16/08. Same individual.
tick sp. 40531 - Durham, NC 4/16/08. Same individual.
Red mite - Orange Co., NC 4/12/08
Red mite - Chatham Co., NC 11/11/08

Myriapoda (Millipedes and Centipedes)
House Centipede (Scutigera coleoptrata) - Durham, NC 7/27/06
Millipede sp. 130533 - Pender Co., NC 4/19/09

Daddy Longlegs 3806 - Carroll Co., VA 9/23/05
Daddy Longlegs 0294 - Durham, NC 9/8/07.
Granddaddy Longlegs 100007 - Carroll Co., VA 9/6/08
Granddaddy Longlegs 1270665 - Orange Co., NC 9/12/10

Miscellaneous Photos
Beach grass - Oregon Inlet, Dare Co., NC 11/3/05
Blue Ridge morning - Carroll Co., VA 10/20/02
Bodie Island sunset - Dare Co., NC 11/3/01
Bodie Island sunset - Dare Co., NC 11/3/01
Bodie Island lighthouse at sunset - Dare Co., NC 11/3/01
Knap of Reeds Creek at sunrise - Granville Co., NC 12/16/01
Old Coast Guard station - Oregon Inlet, Dare Co., NC 11/3/05
Old Coast Guard station - Oregon Inlet, Dare Co., NC 11/3/05
Old Coast Guard station - Oregon Inlet, Dare Co., NC 11/3/05
Outer Banks Hurricane Isabel damage - Dare Co., NC 10/18/03
Tests of the power of the digiscoping technique

Comments? Questions? E-mail me at

All photographs and text ©2025 by Will Cook unless otherwise noted.