Tropical Kingbird (Tyrannus melancholicus) at Pea Island, NC

Action shot. The bird was in great light on the west side of the road at the north dike at South Pond. Set up the scope and at the instant I pressed the button to take the shot, he decided to fly over to the east side of the road.

Tropical Kingbird (Tyrannus melancholicus)

The lighting was not the best on the east side, but I managed to get one decent shot before he headed up to the (more distant) utility wires.

The bird was seen at Pea Island NWR in Dare County, North Carolina from 11/2 to 11/18/2001. These photos were taken 11/3/2001. Identification is based on the length of the bill and vocalizations (which most did not hear).

Quiz bird!

This shot is obviously out of focus, but shows some nice detail of the wing structure.

All photographs and text ©2025 by Will Cook unless otherwise noted.