Isa textula - Crowned Slug Moth

Isa textula - Crowned Slug Moth

Durham, NC 7/12/09

Isa textula - Crowned Slug Moth

Madison Co., NC 7/28/12

Isa textula - Crowned Slug Moth

Watauga Co., NC 7/2/12

Isa textula - Crowned Slug Moth

Caterpillars are covered with stinging hairs!

Durham, NC 9/22/2010.

Isa textula - Crowned Slug Moth

These three photos are all of the same tiny individual, which had fallen from a Winged Elm tree onto my car hood.

Durham, NC 9/22/2010.

Isa textula - Crowned Slug Moth

Durham, NC 9/22/2010.

Madison Co., NC 7/28/12

All photographs and text ©2025 by Will Cook unless otherwise noted.