Harvester (Feniseca tarquinius)

Harvester is definitely a classy, ultra-cool butterfly. These petite beauties are rarely encountered, but can be rather tame (as you can see).
This one, lapping up salt from Dave Powell's finger, was photographed in Buncombe Co., NC, 7/7/2002, one of seven we saw that day.

The caterpillars are carnivorous, feeding on the woolly aphids that suck on beech and alder trees. As you can see, they blend in quite well with their prey, like a wolf in sheep's clothing.
The aphids at left are Beech Blight Aphid (Grylloprociphilus imbricator).
Durham Co., NC 10/6/2012.

Durham Co., NC 10/6/2012.

This one was a surprise at the Bolin Creek Greenway in urban Chapel Hill.
Chapel Hill, Orange Co., NC 5/1/2010.

Dark Mountain, Uwharrie National Forest, Montgomery Co., NC 4/17/2011.

Buncombe Co., NC 7/8/06.

Buncombe Co., NC 7/8/06.

Haywood Co., NC 6/13/09.

Buncombe Co., NC 7/7/02.

This one was critically injured by a car.
Buncombe Co., NC 7/8/06.