| Kentucky Coffeetree is very rare in North Carolina, and may exist only as an escape from cultivation. The bipinnately compound leaves are huge, 2 or 3 feet across. Planted specimen, Portland, OR 7/30/06.
| At left is the only one I've ever seen in NC -- a sapling beside the Blue Ridge Parkway, which may have been an escape, but isn't too far from the nearest native range in southwestern Virginia. Alleghany Co., NC 9/26/04.
| Bud and leaf scar. Alleghany Co., NC 9/26/04.
| The seeds (after being roasted and ground) have been used as a caffeine-free coffee substitute, though the pulp between the seeds is poisonous. Planted specimen, Portland, OR 7/30/06.
| Bark detail. Planted specimen, Portland, OR 7/30/06.