Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta)
Found throughout North Carolina, though generally uncommon, the Red Admiral is one of our most distinctive butterflies, with a bold reddish-orange stripes and white spots on brownish-black wings.
Scotland Co., NC 7/1/07.
Grayson Co., VA 7/25/10.
The underside of the hindwing has a cryptic pattern.
Same individual as above (as you can see, it isn't actually missing its right antenna).
Scotland Co., NC 7/1/07.
Scotland Co., NC 7/1/07.
Washington Co., NC 6/21/06.
Pitt Co., NC 8/18/02.
Pitt Co., NC 8/18/02.
The caterpillar host plants are various species in the Urticaceae (nettle family), such as Boehmeria cylindrica (False-nettle) and Laportea canadensis (Wood-nettle).
Croatan National Forest, Craven Co., NC 8/29/2012.
Croatan National Forest, Craven Co., NC 8/29/2012.