A uncommon minute creeping subshrub of hydric (moist) to mesic areas in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina. Though the moss-like evergreen leaves are about 5-10 mm long, this is the larger of our two species of pyxie-moss. The other species, Pyxidanthera brevifolia, with a very restricted range in xeric habitats in the Sandhills, has hairier, succulent leaves about half as long.
Pender Co., NC 4/23/06.

Kartesz (USDA PLANTS) uses the name "flowering pixiemoss" for this species, which isn't the best name since it could just as easily apply to Pyxidanthera brevifolia.
Pender Co., NC 4/23/06.

Columbus Co., NC 9/28/2013.

Columbus Co., NC 9/28/2013.

Columbus Co., NC 9/28/2013.