This petite evergreen slightly woody groundcovering vine or subshrub is fairly common throughout North Carolina, though more common in the Mountains than the Piedmont or Coastal Plain.
Durham, NC 5/24/2009.

The four-parted flowers, which grow in pairs, have white-hairy petals.
Durham, NC 5/24/2009.

Dare Co., NC 6/1/07.

Dare Co., NC 6/1/07.

Another groundcover with opposite evergreen leaves in Common Periwinkle (Vinca minor), which is much more rambunctious.
Greenville, NC 5/5/06.

Each pair of flowers produces a single fused bright red berry.
Columbus Co., NC 9/28/2013.

Wilkes Co., NC 6/15/08.

Partridgeberry normally rambles along the ground, but this one was falling down a hillside.
Wilkes Co., NC 6/15/08.