Mockernut is one of our most common and familiar hickories.
The hairy leaves usually have 7 leaflets and are very spicily fragrant.

Mockernut Hickory is common throughout North Carolina.
The scientific name has been the subject of some debate, with Carya tomentosa being called Carya alba (L.) Nuttall ex Elliott in recent floras, but switching back to Carya tomentosa in even more recent floras, as the ICBN Nomenclature Committee ruled in favor of tomentosa in 2010.
Carroll Co., VA 10/16/06.

The nuts have extremely hard shells, but have plenty of meat inside - the folk etymology that mockernut means that the nuts are mocking you because there's little edible meat inside is patently false. The shells are very difficult to break open (a hammer works eventually) and meat is difficult to remove from the shell, but it's worth it - if you can break it open, Mockernut is one of the most amazingly delicious nuts you'll ever try, more delicious than Black Walnut and perhaps even Pecan.
Durham, NC 11/18/2012.

Bark of a medium-sized tree.
Carroll Co., VA 10/16/06.

The tight bark on mature trees has diamond-shaped intersecting ridges.