Neoscona crucifera

Neoscona crucifera

This common orbweaver, which frequently build its webs on decks and porches, is a spider in search of a common name. The specific epithet crucifera refers to the cross-like pattern that they carry on their back. They are large and scary looking, but not at all dangerous (unless you're an insect).

Carroll Co., VA 8/16/08.

Neoscona crucifera

Several other species of Neoscona are confusingly similar, so I'm not completely sure of all the identifications here. Other species usually have a bolder pattern.

Durham, NC 8/5/13

Neoscona crucifera

The photos here are all of females. In females, the abdomen is larger the thorax, in males they're about the same size.

Orange Co., NC 8/27/01

Neoscona crucifera

Orange Co., NC 9/12/10.

Neoscona crucifera

Carroll Co., VA 9/24/05

Neoscona crucifera

Durham, NC 10/4/06

Neoscona crucifera

Durham, NC 10/12/06

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All photographs and text ©2025 by Will Cook unless otherwise noted.