Salvia guaranitica - Guarani Sage, Blue Brazilian Sage, Anise(-scented) Sage

Salvia guaranitica

One of the best herbaceous perennials for attracting hummingbirds and butterflies in North Carolina. This 3-4' tall South American native is reliably hardy in zone 7. It does well in shade and has a long blooming period.

The large tubular flowers are a purplish blue. This is the typical cultivar, with green calyces.

Chapel Hill, NC 6/19/05.

Salvia guaranitica

'Black and Blue' differs in having black calyces.

Chapel Hill, NC 6/19/05.

Salvia guaranitica

'Argentine Skies' has very pale flowers with green calyces.

Chapel Hill, NC 6/19/05.

Salvia guaranitica

The typical cultivar.

Chapel Hill, NC 6/19/05.

Salvia guaranitica

The triangular leaves are large and deep green. The leaves are nicely scented, but don't smell at all like anise, in my opinion. This Salvia is a traditional medicinal plant used by the Guarani Indians of Brazil - the leaves are used as a sedative (see Viola et al. 1997, Phytomedicine 4:47-52).

Chapel Hill, NC 6/19/05.

Notes on Growing Salvias in Central NC

All photographs and text ©2025 by Will Cook unless otherwise noted.