Salvia greggii - Gregg's Sage

Salvia greggii

One of the best ornamental small shrubs for attracting hummingbirds and butterflies in North Carolina. This 3-4' tall native of Texas and Mexico is reliably hardy in zone 7. Salvia greggii is sometimes called Texas Sage or Autumn Sage.

The flowers are normally bright red.

Chapel Hill, NC 4/30/05.

Salvia greggii does well in sun, can tolerate drought and some shade, and has a long blooming period, from spring through frost. It shows no tendency to spread from seed.

Chapel Hill, NC 4/30/05.

Salvia greggii

The small untoothed leaves are ovate.

Chapel Hill, NC 4/30/05.

Notes on Growing Salvias in Central NC

All photographs and text ©2025 by Will Cook unless otherwise noted.