Panama Mammal Photos - Primates
by Will Cook
Here are some mammal photos from a birding and butterflying trip to Panama, March 17-April 4, 2004.
Sloths | Primates
Marmosets and Tamarins - Callitrichidae
![]() | Geoffroy's Tamarin (Saguinus geoffroyi) We saw several of these cute little Mohawk-hairdo monkeys in central Panama. This one was scolding us from a Cecropia tree along Achiote Road in Colon province, 3/24/04. |
New World Monkeys - Cebidae
![]() | Mantled Howler These incredible vocalists are heard a lot more than they're seen. A group of 10-20 monkeys will sound off in a loud, howling, barking, grunting choruses - the sound carries for miles - and a neighboring group will usually answer back. If you didn't know what they were, you might fear for your life - they sound like a pack of mad, giant dogs. In reality, they're relatively peaceful vegetarians. This Howler was just hanging out at Pipeline Road, Panama province, 3/23/04. |
Sloths | Primates
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