Great Blue Skimmer (Libellula vibrans)

Great Blue Skimmer (Libellula vibrans)

Great Blue Skimmer is a large, common dragonfly. They often perch at around eye-level or below, making them easy to observe and photograph. They're covered with a waxy white coating, which makes them look a little bluish.

Durham Co., NC 8/23/2013.

Great Blue Skimmer (Libellula vibrans)

Look closely at their eyes if you get a chance.

Durham Co., NC 8/23/2013.

Great Blue Skimmer (Libellula vibrans)

Durham Co., NC 8/23/2013.

Great Blue Skimmer (Libellula vibrans)

Columbus Co., NC 7/19/03.

Great Blue Skimmer (Libellula vibrans)

Clinging to a car radio antenna.

Durham Co., NC 7/31/04.

Great Blue Skimmer (Libellula vibrans)

Dragonflies have the most incredible eyes.

Durham Co., NC 7/31/04.

Great Blue Skimmer (Libellula vibrans)

Durham Co., NC 8/23/2013.

All photographs and text ©2025 by Will Cook unless otherwise noted.