Blue Dasher (Pachydiplax longipennis)

One of our most common dragonflies, the adult male blue dasher has a black-tipped blue abdomen and green eyes.
Durham Co., NC 8/23/2013.

Orange Co., NC 8/3/03.

Dare Co., NC 6/1/07.

Dragonflies are sometimes attracted to lights at night.
Durham, NC 8/19/06.

Alleghany Co., NC 6/25/05.

Harnett Co., NC 6/5/05.

Columbus Co., NC 7/19/03.

Pender Co., NC 4/19/09.

Old female. ID by Steve Krotzer.
New Hanover Co., NC 10/5/02.

Caswell Co., NC 6/16/02.