Ashy Clubtail (Gomphus lividus)

Ashy Clubtail (Gomphus lividus)

Ashy Clubtail is very similar to Lancet Clubtail (Gomphus exilis). One difference is that Lancet usually has yellow on the top side of abdominal segment 9, the last segment.

Grayson Co., VA 5/30/2009.

Ashy Clubtail (Gomphus lividus)

Grayson Co., VA 5/30/2009.

Ashy Clubtail (Gomphus lividus)

Grayson Co., VA 5/30/2009.

Mating pair, Scotland Co., NC 4/20/05.

Immature female, Durham Co., NC 4/24/05.

All photographs and text ©2025 by Will Cook unless otherwise noted.