Spodoptera ornithogalli - Yellow-striped Armyworm

Durham, NC 7/2/07

Durham, NC 7/2/07

Carroll Co., VA 7/4/12

Durham, NC 7/11/07

Madison Co., NC 7/28/12

Madison Co., NC 7/29/12

Durham, NC 8/14/12

Orange Co., NC 8/23/09

Durham, NC 9/8/07

Durham, NC 9/8/07. Same individual as above.

Orange Co., NC 9/12/10

Durham, NC 9/19/2013

Person Co., NC 9/20/07

Durham, NC 10/1/07

Durham, NC 10/1/07. Same individual.

Durham, NC 10/1/07

Durham, NC 10/1/07. Same individual.

Caterpillar, showing its yellow stripe nicely. Note also the black spot just after the front legs.
Durham, NC 6/19/07

Durham Co., NC 8/15/10

Yellow-striped Armyworm caterpillars feed on a wide variety of plants and may be a pest on tomatoes. This one is digging in to a ripening tomato.
Durham, NC 8/7/2013.