Dioryctria amatella - Southern Pine Coneworm

Dioryctria amatella - Southern Pine Coneworm

The pine coneworms are quite similar, so the identification of these as Dioryctria amatella is tentative. It may not be possible to be sure from photos that these are not the similar Dioryctria merkeli, Dioryctria taedivorella, or Dioryctria taeda

Columbus Co., NC 9/28/2013

Dioryctria amatella - Southern Pine Coneworm

Columbus Co., NC 9/28/2013

Dioryctria amatella - Southern Pine Coneworm

Columbus Co., NC 9/28/2013

Dioryctria amatella - Southern Pine Coneworm

Columbus Co., NC 9/28/2013

Dioryctria amatella - Southern Pine Coneworm

Person Co., NC 9/20/07

Dioryctria amatella - Southern Pine Coneworm

Person Co., NC 9/20/07

All photographs and text ©2025 by Will Cook unless otherwise noted.