Parasa chloris - Smaller Parasa

Parasa chloris - Smaller Parasa

Smaller Parasa is a distinctive little slug moth, bright green with brown bands.

Carroll Co., VA 7/13/07

Parasa chloris - Smaller Parasa

Parasa chloris is quite similar to Parasa indetermina (Stinging Rose Caterpillar Moth) (not pictured). Parasa indetermina is larger, has more rounded wings, and has a dark spot in the middle of the terminal brown band of the forewing.

Carroll Co., VA 7/18/13

Parasa chloris - Smaller Parasa

Carroll Co., VA 7/18/13

Parasa chloris - Smaller Parasa

Durham, NC 7/27/06

All photographs and text ©2025 by Will Cook unless otherwise noted.