Cenopis reticulatana - Reticulated Fruitworm

Cenopis reticulatana - Reticulated Fruitworm

Very similar to Sparganothis sulfureana - Sparganothis Fruitworm Moth. I think the easiest way to separate them may be the parallel dark lines on top of the thorax in Sparganothis Fruitworm.

Durham, NC 7/12/09

Cenopis reticulatana - Reticulated Fruitworm

Durham, NC 7/18/07

Cenopis reticulatana - Reticulated Fruitworm

Durham, NC 7/19/07

Cenopis reticulatana - Reticulated Fruitworm

Orange Co., NC 8/24/08

All photographs and text ©2025 by Will Cook unless otherwise noted.