Megalopyge opercularis - Southern Flannel Moth

Megalopyge opercularis - Southern Flannel Moth

The Southern Flannel Moth is a contender for the title of our most bizarrely spectacular moth. This is a male (note the feathery antennae).

Umstead State Park, Wake Co., NC 7/24/13

Megalopyge opercularis - Southern Flannel Moth

Female (note antennae not feathery).

Umstead State Park, Wake Co., NC 7/24/13

Megalopyge opercularis - Southern Flannel Moth

Umstead State Park, Wake Co., NC 7/24/13

Megalopyge opercularis - Southern Flannel Moth/Asp Caterpillar/Puss Moth

Also known as Asp Moth or Puss Moth, this is a bizarre furry-looking caterpillar with stinging hairs.

Orange Co., NC 9/12/10.

Megalopyge opercularis - Southern Flannel Moth/Asp Caterpillar/Puss Moth

This one and the one below are feeding on Red Maple (Acer rubrum).

Orange Co., NC 9/12/10.

Megalopyge opercularis - Southern Flannel Moth/Asp Caterpillar/Puss Moth

An earlier instar caterpillar.

Orange Co., NC 9/12/10.

Megalopyge opercularis - Southern Flannel Moth/Asp Caterpillar/Puss Moth

Orange Co., NC 9/12/10.

Megalopyge opercularis - Southern Flannel Moth/Asp Caterpillar/Puss Moth

Orange Co., NC 9/12/10.

Megalopyge opercularis - Southern Flannel Moth/Asp Caterpillar/Puss Moth

Orange Co., NC 9/12/10.

Megalopyge opercularis - Southern Flannel Moth/Asp Caterpillar/Puss Moth

Santa Ana NWR, Hidalgo Co., TX 10/15/04.

All photographs and text ©2025 by Will Cook unless otherwise noted.