Luna Moth (Actias luna)

Perhaps the single most popular moth in North America, the elegant green Luna Moth always causes a stir when one shows up at a light!
Female, Carroll Co., VA 8/17/07.

Female, Carroll Co., VA 8/18/07.

Males have more feathery antennae and longer tails.
Male, Carroll Co., VA 7/4/07.

Male, Carroll Co., VA 6/6/10.

Male, Carroll Co., VA 7/19/13.

Umstead State Park, Wake Co., NC 7/24/13

The large caterpillars are a beautiful lime green with red spots and a pale line along the length of the body.
Carroll Co., VA 8/7/10.

Carroll Co., VA 8/7/10.

Male, Watauga Co., NC 7/2/2012.

Male, Carroll Co., VA 7/4/07.

Male, Carroll Co., VA 7/2/06.

These two males put on a show for me one night.
Male, Carroll Co., VA 7/2/06.

Detail of this male's antennae, which are much broader than a female's.
Male, Carroll Co., VA 7/2/06.