Imperial Moth (Eacles imperialis)

Imperial Moth is one of our biggest moths and also among the most spectacular, bright yellow with large purplish-brown patches and speckled with smudgy black spots.
Carroll Co., VA 7/3/12

Carroll Co., VA 8/2/08

Found throughout the eastern US, the caterpillars feed on leaves of a wide variety of common tree species, including oaks, maples, Sweetgum, Sassafras, and even pines. The adults do not feed.
Orange Co., NC 8/23/09.

Orange Co., NC 8/23/09.

Madison Co., NC 7/29/12

Carroll Co., VA 7/1/12

On my foot!
Carroll Co., VA 7/4/09.

Carroll Co., VA 7/11/10.

Carroll Co., VA 7/19/13

Two side by side!
Carroll Co., VA 7/19/13

Same individual as in top photo.
Carroll Co., VA 8/2/08