Red Imported Fire Ants (Solenopsis invicta)

Accidentally introduced to the southern states from Argentina during the 1930s, Red Imported Fire Ants have been gradually spreading in all directions ever since. They first appeared in the Research Triangle area in the Piedmont of North Carolina in the late 1990s and have since become common.
The head and thorax, the abdomen black. Note the two nodes between the thorax and the abdomen. They range in length from about 3-6 mm.
Chatham Co., NC 9/20/08.

Fire ants build large, distinctive mounds, which they vigorously defend with painful stings.
Chatham Co., NC 9/20/08.

The distinctive mounds of fire ants can get quite large, more than a foot across and tall. If you accidentally step in these, your legs will soon feel like they're on fire, covered with stinging fire ants.
Durham Co., NC 10/6/2012.