Asian Tiger Mosquito (Aedes albopictus)

Asian Tiger Mosquito (Aedes albopictus)

The Asian Tiger Mosquito is a tiny invasive exotic mosquito. First found in the continental United States in Houston, Texas in 1985, this species has spread rapidly and is now by far the most common mosquito in urban areas throughout the southeastern US.

The total length of the mosquito at left is at most 3 mm, though they can get up to 10 mm in length under optimal conditions.

Female - Durham, NC 8/29/2013.

Asian Tiger Mosquito (Aedes albopictus)

Originally from southeast Asia, they are extremely well adapted to human civilization, with nearly silent wings, swift attack, and able to breed in the smallest pool of water. In cities like Durham - and increasingly in urban areas around the world - this mosquito is a scourge, making you want to wear long pants in your yard all summer. They are most active in the daytime, especially in the afternoon and early evening.

Female - Durham, NC 8/29/2013.

More information:

Aedes albopictus - Asian Tiger Mosquito from

CDC Information on Aedes albopictus

North Carolina Flies

All photographs and text ©2025 by Will Cook unless otherwise noted.