Ambush Bugs (Phymatinae)

Ambush Bugs (Phymatinae)

Bizarrely cryptic ambush bugs are often seen hiding in plain sight, waiting to pounce on unsuspecting insects that comes to sip nectar from flowers. I didn't notice that this strange withered-flower-looking bump on the bottom of the Coreopsis flower was an insect at first.

Durham Co., NC 8/23/09.

Ambush Bugs (Phymatinae)

And didn't realize until I took an even closer look that this bump is actually a mating pair of ambush bugs! Quite an odd couple.

Durham Co., NC 8/23/09.

Ambush Bugs (Phymatinae)

This is the same female on top of the flower, accompanied by a weevil. You can see an antenna of the male still underneath.

Durham Co., NC 8/23/09.

All photographs and text ©2025 by Will Cook unless otherwise noted.