Brown Snake (Storeria dekayi)

Durham, NC 10/2/08.

Durham, NC 10/2/08.

Durham, NC 10/2/08.

Durham, NC 10/2/08.

This newly hatched snake has a ring around its neck, but is not a Ring-neck Snake (Diadophis punctatus). These small snakes are most often found under logs searching for prey such as slugs and earthworms instead of crossing pavement as this one was.
Durham, NC 7/21/05.

You can tell this one is a newborn by its minute size - compare it with this penny! They are as little as 3.5" long at birth, 9-13" as adults. Brown Snakes are live-bearing - the eggs hatch inside the mother.
Durham, NC 7/21/05.

Durham, NC 7/21/05.

A full-grown adult, about a foot long.
Eno River, Durham Co., NC 4/5/2014.

Eno River, Durham Co., NC 4/5/2014.

Eno River, Durham Co., NC 4/5/2014.