Orange Jelly (Dacrymyces chrysospermus)
Basidiomycota > Dacrymycetes > Dacrymycetales > Dacrymycetaceae

Orange Jelly is an uncommon and very attractive mushroom that grows on rotting conifer logs, such as the Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda) log here. It is reported to be edible. Similar to Witch's Butter (Tremella aurantia) (also edible), which is usually found on rotting hardwoods. Orange Jelly is also called Orange Witches' Butter and was formerly known by the synonym Dacrymyces palmatus.
Chatham Co., NC 9/16/2012.

Chatham Co., NC 9/16/2012.

Chatham Co., NC 9/16/2012.

Chatham Co., NC 9/16/2012.