North Carolina Fungi, Lichens, and Slime Molds

Photographs by Will Cook, mostly taken in North Carolina.

I don't know mushrooms or lichens well at all, so if you can help identify any of these, please let me know!


Amanita sp. - Durham Co., NC 9/10/02
Auricularia sp. (wood ear) - Granville Co., NC 4/28/10
Auricularia sp. (wood ear) (Basidiomycota > Agaricomycetes > Auriculariales > Auriculariaceae) - Granville Co., NC 4/28/10
Dacrymyces chrysospermus (Orange Jelly, Orange Witches' Butter) syn. Dacrymyces palmatus (Basidiomycota > Dacrymycetes > Dacrymycetales > Dacrymycetaceae) - Chatham Co., NC 9/16/2012
Grifola frondosa (Hen of the Woods, Maitake) - Durham Co., NC 10/6/2012
Hericium erinaceus - Durham Co., NC 12/4/04
Pleurotus ostreatus (Oyster Mushroom) - Durham Co., NC 6/27/2009
Ramaria sp. (Coral Fungus) (Basidiomycota > Agaricomycetes > Gomphales > Gomphaceae) - Durham Co., NC 10/6/2012.
Ramaria sp. (Coral Fungus) (Basidiomycota > Agaricomycetes > Gomphales > Gomphaceae) - Durham Co., NC 10/6/2012.

Mushroom sp. 1390 - growing out of a pine cone - Dare Co., NC 3/24/02
Mushroom sp. 3067 - Durham Co., NC 9/10/02
Mushroom sp. 3510 - Durham Co., NC 11/3/02
Fungus sp. 5642 - Carroll Co., VA 7/26/03
unidentified lavender-colored mushrooms - Orange Co., NC 8/24/05
unidentified mushrooms 8196 - Moore Co., NC 7/1/07
Orange slimy fungus - Chatham Co., NC 3/25/08
Mushroom sp. 60982 - Orange Co., NC 5/18/08
Mushroom sp. 60996 - Orange Co., NC 5/18/08
Mushroom sp. 70011 - Orange Co., NC 5/18/08
Mushroom sp. 80206 - Jones Co., NC 7/18/08
Fungus sp. 80210 - Jones Co., NC 7/18/08
Fungus sp. 1050069 - Carroll Co., VA 4/25/08
Fungus sp. 1050284 - Carroll Co., VA 4/26/08
Mushroom sp. 1170674 - Durham Co., NC 5/21/2009
Mushroom sp. 1170706 - Durham Co., NC 5/21/2009
Fungus sp. 1280631 - Carroll Co., VA 4/10/2011
Fungus sp. 1070402 - Granville Co., NC 5/20/2012
Mushroom sp. 1070859 - Orange Co., NC 6/3/2012
Mushroom sp. 1070904 - Orange Co., NC 6/3/2012
Mushroom sp. 1070926 - Orange Co., NC 6/3/2012
Mushroom sp. 1100272 - Durham Co., NC 9/9/2012
Shelf fungus sp. 1100508 - Durham Co., NC 10/6/2012
Shelf fungus sp. 1100509 - Durham Co., NC 10/6/2012


Lichens are composite organisms consisting of a symbiotic association of a fungus (the mycobiont) with a photosynthetic partner, usually either a green alga or cyanobacterium [from Wikipedia].

Lichens 40048 - Orange Co., NC 3/9/08
Lichens 40049 - Orange Co., NC 3/9/08
Lichens 40051 - Orange Co., NC 3/9/08
Lichens 40055 - Orange Co., NC 3/9/08
Rock Greenshield Lichen (Flavoparmelia baltimorensis) - Orange Co., NC 4/4/09 (thanks to Brendan Hodkinson for the ID)
Chrysothrix sp. - Durham Co., NC 4/11/09
Lichen 1070929 - Orange Co., NC 6/3/2012
Reindeer-moss (Cladonia sp.) - Chatham Co., NC 9/16/2012
Reindeer-moss (Cladonia sp.) - Chatham Co., NC 9/16/2012
Reindeer-moss (Cladonia sp.) - Chatham Co., NC 9/16/2012

Slime Molds

Despite appearances, slime molds are not related to molds (fungi) at all. Instead they are protists, currently placed in Kingdom Amoebozoa, Phylum Mycetozoa.

Slime mold sp. 4136 - Durham Co., NC 3/24/07
Slime mold sp. 4138 - Durham Co., NC 3/24/07
Slime mold sp. 1280583 - Durham Co., NC 4/9/11

All photographs and text ©2025 by Will Cook unless otherwise noted.