Silver-spotted Skipper (Epargyreus clarus)

Silver-spotted Skipper is one of our most common and familiar butterflies, particularly abundant in the mountains. They are somewhat misnamed, since the spot is white, not silver.
Durham, NC 8/7/2013.

Durham, NC 8/7/2013.

Mating pair, Harnett Co., NC 8/18/05.

Madison Co., NC 4/9/2012.

Haywood Co., NC 6/13/2009.

Carroll Co., VA 6/29/2002.
Easy to identify, but watch out for the similar by uncommon Hoary Edge and the rare Golden-banded Skipper.

This individual could barely fly. The wings look fine, but you can see raw flesh exposed on the top side.
Weymouth Woods, Moore Co., NC 4/13/02.

Weymouth Woods, Moore Co., NC 4/13/02.

Clay Co., NC 5/21/05.

Clay Co., NC 5/21/05.

Attracted to lights at night.
Carroll Co., VA 8/2/08.

The yellow-greenish striped caterpillars have a large head with two orange eye-spots.
Carroll Co., VA 9/5/05.

Caught by a crab spider.
Craven Co., NC 9/6/03.