Red-spotted Purple (Limenitis arthemis astyanax)

Carroll Co., VA 6/14/03.

One of our most commonly noticed butterfly species, Red-spotted Purple look a bit like a Spicebush Swallowtail without the swallow tail.
Orange Co., NC 8/24/05.

An ultra-fresh one just emerged from its pupal case. The spots are more orange than red, but you can see where the purple in the name comes from — there's a touch of it on the underside of the forewing.
Granville Co., NC 4/25/10.

A freshly laid egg on the tip of a Black Cherry (Prunus serotina) leaf. I watched the butterfly land on several leaves and deposit an egg on each, always carefully placing it at the very tip.
Wake Co., NC 5/3/09.

Caterpillar on Basswood (Tilia americana).
Clay Co., NC 5/12/06.

Person Co., NC 4/18/2011.

Red-spotted Purple is something of a misnomer since the spots are orange, not red, and the predominant color is blue, not purple!
Harnett Co., NC 7/30/02.

Same butterfly as in top photo.
Carroll Co., VA 6/14/03.

This one's had a portion of its hindwing bitten off.
Chatham Co., NC 9/22/13.