Reversed Roadside-Skipper (Amblyscirtes reversa)

One of the rarer butterflies in North Carolina, Reversed Roadside-Skipper is somewhat similar to the Carolina Roadside-Skipper, but (if you use your imagination) looks like it has the reverse of the Carolina's spot pattern on the underside of the hindwing.
Holly Shelter Game Land, Pender Co., NC 4/23/06.

Croatan National Forest, Craven Co., NC 8/26/2012.

This individual was one of eight we had on the 2004 Croatan butterfly count, setting the high count for the state.
Craven Co., NC 8/29/04.

This butterfly was not the easiest to ID with its wings open, since the pale dots on the underside of the hindwing were not obvious at first. Steve Hall thought he saw it ovipositing on Giant Cane (Arundinaria gigantea), so I expect this is a female. The butterfly is perched on a dead cane leaf.
Annual burn site in the Sandhills Gamelands, Scotland Co., NC 4/13/2002.

This worn individual was one of 3 on the 2003 Croatan count.
Croatan National Forest, Carteret Co., NC 8/24/03.