Monarch (Danaus plexippus)

Monarch is one of our most familiar, widespread butterflies. The one at left is nectaring on Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca), which is also the caterpillar host plant. There are a few Monarchs around in the summer, but they're much more abundant during fall migration.
Durham Co., NC 8/15/10.

Durham Co., NC 8/15/10.

The most similar species is the Monarch mimicing Viceroy (Limenitis archippus), which is smaller, flies with flat wings (Monarch usually flies with its wings in a V-shape), and has a black bar across the hindwing. Also compare with the related Queen and Soldier.
Carroll Co., VA 7/24/05.

Monarchs are very uncommon in the Coastal Plain in spring and summer, where Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) is rare.
Washington Co., NC 6/21/06.

This one is a male, as you can tell from the vestigial black scent patch in the middle of the hindwing vein.
Carroll Co., VA 7/24/05.

The boldly banded black, white, and yellow caterpillars look like they have antennae at both ends.
Buncombe Co., NC 7/8/06.

This caterpillar is feeding on Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata).
Durham Co., NC 9/9/06.

This one is on Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca).
Grayson Co., VA 9/23/06.

Another common milkweed caterpillar is the Milkweed Tussock Moth (Euchaetes egle).
Grayson Co., VA 9/23/06.

This caterpillar had run out of milkweed leaves and was attempting to eat a pod. There were several emaciated caterpillars on this milkweed.
Durham Co., NC 9/13/09.

Durham Co., NC 8/15/10.

Durham Co., NC 8/15/10.

Durham Co., NC 8/29/10.

Monarch caterpillar underneath a Golden Banded-Skipper.
Buncombe Co., NC 7/8/06.

With Large Milkweed Bugs (Oncopeltus fasciatus).
Durham Co., NC 9/9/2012.

Durham Co., NC 9/9/2012.

Durham Co., NC 9/9/2012.

Durham Co., NC 9/9/2012.

The next few photos were taken at the Flat River Impoundment near Falls Lake in Durham County, NC on 16 September 2001. I saw a total of about 60 that day. These two were still nectaring on Eupatorium sp. at 6 pm.

Male. Durham Co., NC 9/16/2001.

This was one of many migrants at Mahogany Rock, Alleghany Co., NC on 9/23/2001.

Male. Moore Co., NC, 10/7/2001.

Monarch egg on Swamp Milkweed flower buds.
Alleghany Co., NC 7/2/06.

This migrating Monarch has been caught by a Black and Yellow Argiope!
New Hanover Co., NC 8/26/06.