Long-tailed Skipper (Urbanus proteus)

One of our most stunning and unmistakable skippers, with long tail-like wing projections and glowing blue-green color on the upper surfaces near the body.
My yard in Durham, NC 10/21/2012.

Long-tailed Skipper is found throughout North Carolina, but only common along the coast in fall, when good numbers often migrate from further south. Keep an eye out for a similar but much rarer migrant, the all-brown Dorantes Longtail, which has turned up in NC a few times.
New Hanover Co., NC 8/30/08.

Pender Co., NC 8/27/05.

Dare Co., NC 11/6/05.

Scotland Co., NC, 9/24/2003.

Pender Co., NC 8/27/05.

Scotland Co., NC, 9/24/2003.

Craven Co., NC 10/12/01.

Sometimes the long tails wear completely off!
Hyde Co., NC 11/15/03.

Enjoying a bird dropping.
New Hanover Co., NC 8/28/04.