Cobweb Skipper (Hesperia metea)

Cobweb Skipper (Hesperia metea)

Raven Rock State Park, Harnett Co., NC 4/19/2003.

Cobweb Skipper (Hesperia metea)

Madison Co., NC 4/9/2012.

Cobweb Skipper (Hesperia metea)

Most common (but still hard to find) in the lower Piedmont of North Carolina, this male was the first one recorded for the northern mountains.

From the underside, a Cobweb Skipper could be mistaken for a well-marked female Sachem

New River State Park, Alleghany Co., NC 4/15/06.

Cobweb Skipper (Hesperia metea)

The black stigma on the upperside of the male is a thin line, totally different from the large rectangular stigma of a male Sachem.

Same individual.

Cobweb Skipper (Hesperia metea)

This male (same as the one at top) was quite tame - doubtless because of the cool (55 F), cloudy conditions.

Harnett Co., NC 4/19/2003.

Cobweb Skipper (Hesperia metea)

A different individual on the same day (we saw 5 males this day).

Harnett Co., NC 4/19/2003.

Cobweb Skipper (Hesperia metea)


Harnett Co., NC 4/19/2003.

All photographs and text ©2013 by Will Cook unless otherwise noted.