Cloudless Sulphur (Phoebis sennae)

A common bright yellow butterfly of open areas, Cloudless Sulphur is most abundant in the Coastal Plain and Piedmont of North Carolina.
Female, Scotland Co., NC 10/4/09.

Female, Durham Co., NC 8/16/09.

This one has just emerged from its chrysalis.
New Hanover Co., NC 8/27/05.

Male, Lenoir Co., NC 8/25/02.

Males at a "puddle party", Durham Co., NC 8/16/03.

Female, Craven Co., NC 10/12/2001.

Mated pair, Chatham Co., NC 9/15/2001.

Some individuals are a pale greenish-yellow.
Female, Carteret Co., NC 8/27/06.

The caterpillars are yellow with dark stripes. The host plant in this photo is Partridge Pea (Chamaecrista fasciculata).
New Hanover Co., NC 8/27/05.

Male, Dare Co., NC 10/2/05.

This female on Pineapple Sage (Salvia elegans) was photographed through Kowa TSN-824 scope, about 40x. This was supposed to be a photo of a Broad-billed Hummingbird, but he didn't show up again after I got the scope set up!
Craven Co., NC 10/12/2001.

Female fully enjoying a morning-glory flower.
Durham Co., NC 8/17/02.

Nectaring in a Pine Lilly (Lilium catesbaei).
Craven Co., NC 8/26/2012

A puddle party featuring 20 Sleepy Oranges, 2 Cloudless Sulphurs, 2 Silvery Checkerspots, and 6 Common Checkered-Skippers.
Durham Co., NC 8/15/10.