Berry's Skipper (Euphyes berryi)

One of our rarest butterflies, known from only a few spots near the coast. Similar to Dion Skipper, but lacking the pale streak in the middle of the ventral hindwing. Berry's often show a pale spot on the forewing.
Craven Co., NC 8/27/06.

This ultra-fresh Berry's is almost as bright as a Delaware Skipper, perhaps because it just emerged from its cocoon. Note that the hindwing fringe is light tan -- on a Delaware it is orange.
Craven Co., NC 8/26/07.

On the 2008 Croatan National Forest butterfly count, we found an amazing nine Berry's, and even saw one ovipositing (see photo at bottom of this page).
Craven Co., NC 8/31/08.

Craven Co., NC 8/31/08.

Same individual as above.
Craven Co., NC 8/31/08.

Dare Co., NC 9/8/2001.

Craven Co., NC 8/25/02.

We watched a Berry's Skipper deposit this egg on a sedge (Carex sp.)
Craven Co., NC 8/31/08.