Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus)

Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus)

Formerly rare in North Carolina, Lesser Black-backed Gulls are now almost common. They're fairly easy to find along the coast, and also increasing inland.

This adult is recognized by the dark gray mantle, yellowish legs, and dark flecking around the eye. The bill is bright yellow with a bright red gonys spot. Winter adult Great Black-backed Gulls are darker above, have flesh-colored legs, clean white heads, and are much larger and more brutish-looking.

Dare Co., NC 11/3/05

Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus)

This may be a 3rd-winter bird. It's similar to the adult, but the bill is dark at the tip, and the bill and legs are flesh-colored instead of yellow.

Dare Co., NC 11/3/05

Lesser with Great Black-backed Gull for good comparison.

Dare Co., NC 11/9/07.

Adult (right) and first-winter (left) Lessers with adult Herring Gull.

Dare Co., NC 11/9/07.

Lesser and Great. Note the size difference, leg and mantle color difference, and streaking around the eye.

Dare Co., NC 11/9/07.

All photographs and text ©2025 by Will Cook unless otherwise noted.