Gray Flycatcher (Empidonax wrightii) in Chatham Co., NC

Gray Flycatcher (Empidonax wrightii) Gray Flycatcher, Chatham Co., NC 1/19/2004.
Gray Flycatcher (Empidonax wrightii) This Empidonax flycatcher was found on the Jordan Lake Christmas Bird Count 12/28/03 at Hank's Chapel by the team of Josh Rose, Bill Lupardus, and Glenn Simon.

On 12/30/03 Derb Carter relocated the bird at the same spot and tentatively identified it as a Gray Flycatcher. Photo: 12/31/03.

Features that support the identification include the long bill and tail, phoebe-like tail-dropping, overall pale gray coloration, and uniform thin white eye-ring. The call note of this bird was described as a soft "wit".

Gray Flycatcher (Empidonax wrightii)

This is a first record for North Carolina and the southeastern U.S. Photo: 12/31/03.

Though it was missed completely on several days, the bird remained in the area until it was last reported on 1/22/04.

More photos:
Steve Shultz 1/1/04
Jeff Pippen 1/7/04.

Face detail. The lower mandible is pale nearly to the tip. 12/31/03.
This shot shows some nice detail of the wing and tail structure. Note the white edge of the outer tail feather. The primary projection seems fairly short. 12/31/03.
Another rear view. 1/19/04.

All photographs and text ©2025 by Will Cook unless otherwise noted.